Online FlexiShield Car Wrap For Sale -
You can determine if a FlexiShield Car Wrap is suitable for your car by determining if it will wrap a vehicle with peeling paint.
Can you FlexiShield Car Wrap a car if the paint is peeling?
If the paint of your car has begun to peel, a FlexiShield Car Wrap may not be an option. The FlexiShield Car Wrap may not adhere to peeling paint, or if it does, the paint edges can create air pockets, ridges and crinkles. It is generally recommended that wraps only be installed on vehicles that are factory painted. However, if the paint on your vehicle is already peeling and you want to still have it wrapped, you will need to get the paint feathered or smoothed out by a bodyshop. This will ensure that the installation is smooth and prevent future peeling.
Paint Conditions That Cannot Be Wrapped
FlexiShield Car Wraps are not suitable for the following paint conditions:
Paint with Deep Scratches
Once the FlexiShield Car Wrap has been installed, any deep scratches, chips or other obvious flaws in your vehicle will be magnified. You should also be aware that when removing vinyl from a damaged area, the paint around the damaged area may also come off.
Paint with Orange Peel Texture
A bad aftermarket paint job with excessive paint can have an orange peel effect that is not hidden by a FlexiShield Car Wrapping. If your car has orange peel texture you'll need to get the paint professionally fixed and give it the time necessary for the paint to cure before applying a FlexiShield Car Wrap.
Rusted Sheet Metal
FlexiShield Car Wraps will not adhere to the surface of your car if it has been exposed to corrosion or oxidation. The rust particles stick to the film and cause the wrap to lose it's adhesive grip.(Car Wraps)

FlexiShield Car Wrap
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